Hello, Tamers! We’re here to share with you an open letter to the community, and to reach out to you.
We’ve been listening to you for a long time, and we are aware of your concerns and worries. Over the past few weeks we’ve seen an uptick in the community expression of unhappiness and doubt following the lead-up to, and the announcement of Temtem: Swarm. We’ve been listening to and taking in that feedback, processing it internally, and we think it’s time we have an open chat with you addressing all of it.
With this open letter we want to try and answer the most recent, pressing questions, to shed some light on the future of both Temtem and our studio, and to offer a bit more insight into our development decisions, learnings, and the upcoming path.
This will be a long post, as we wanted to be thorough in answering your questions and provide context for our decisions. We also recognize we’ve made mistakes in the past an...
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